Prof. Adam Lee

Prof. Adam Lee,
Professor Adam Lee received his BA and PhD from the University of Cambridge at which he also undertook a postdoctoral fellowship. He is Professor of Sustainable Chemistry at Griffith University, and previously held Chair appointments at Cardiff, Warwick, Monash, Aston, and RMIT Universities, and a prestigious $3M EPSRC Leadership Fellowship. His research addresses the rational design of nanoengineered materials for energy and environmental applications. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Associate Fellow of the IChemE, Editor-in-Chief of Materials Today Chemistry, and recipient of the 2011 McBain Medal, 2012 Beilby Medal and Prize, and 2023 RACI Welcome Award. Adam has co-authored >300 publications (h=index 83, 25612 cites) and is a co-investigator and Flagship Project co-lead on the recently funded ARC Centre of Excellence ‘Green Electrochemical Transformation of Carbon Dioxide’ GetCO2.